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Book Reviews & Interviews - On October 24, 2003, interviewed Doug about "The Title of Liberty."  The interview can be found on their site by clicking here.

KSTAR 1400 AM - On November 3, 2003, Doug was interviewed on the "Talk of the Town" radio program with Donna Max on KSTAR 1400 AM.  Donna was very enthusiastic about the book, barely giving Doug a chance to talk before she would say more complimentary points.  He needs to hire her to do his PR.  ;^)

Radio Ad - Beginning December 6, 2003, a radio ad for the book began airing.  It included a cute quote from Doug's 9-year-old daughter, Merissa: "It's the best book my dad's ever written about Captain Moroni!"

BYU Magazine - The Spring 2004 issue of the BYU Magazine included the following review by Richard H. Cracroft:

Douglas V. Nufer, '87, in The Title of Liberty (Granite/Peepsock; 403 pp.; $22.95), recounts imaginatively the heroic saga of the Nephite-Lamanite wars of 76-74 b.c. Nufer offers an exciting tale of the military exploits and strategies of Captain Moroni, who leaves his family and farm to rally his countrymen around the title of liberty. Nufer carefully grounds this adventure in the Nephite chronicles, and his chapter notes point out the differences between history and imagination.


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