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Nephite Cities     

A Survey of Nephite Cities

The following is a list of cities or sites mentioned in "The Title of Liberty."  Most of these cities are Nephite cities.

City Description
Ammonihah The city of Ammonihah had a significant history prior to the Captain Moroni story. When two missionaries, Alma and Amulek preached in the city the people bragged of their strength and independence from God. The converts were burned alive in a pit of fire the missionaries were imprisoned and threatened with death. The were saved by a miraculous earthquake. The city was later laid waste in a single day by Lamanite soldiers who were angry at the Nephites who had converted several of the people who swore the oath of peace and went to live with the Nephites and became known as the people of Ammon. At the time of Captain Moroni, Ammonihah was still in ruins from the Lamanite attack, with a new generation of Nephites moving in to repair the city.
Antiparah The city of Antiparah was one of four neighboring cities occupied by the Lamanites that Helaman brought his 2000 young soldiers to help free. Helaman marched his soldiers nearby Antiparah to lure one of the strongest Lamanite armies on a chase through the wilderness.
Bountiful The land Bountiful received its name because of the abundance of vegetation and game in the area. It is a reference point in this story, but does not play a large, strategic role.
City of Gid The city of Gid was the second of three cities that Amalikiah attacked in a single day to make a point to Moroni. There is also a man named Gid.
City of Morianton The city of Morianton was the first of three cities that Amalikiah attacked in a single day to make a point to Moroni. It was also home of the man Morianton whose ambitions led him to seek to overcome his neighboring cities and confront Teancum in battle.
City of Moroni The city of Moroni was built when Moroni ordered that the Nephites strengthen their cities. It was named in Moroni's honor, and was located on the border of the east sea. It became the location of the final showdown between the armies of Ammoron and Moroni.
Cumeni The city of Antiparah was one of four neighboring cities occupied by the Lamanites that Helaman brought his 2000 young soldiers to help free. Helaman ordered Jershon to put the city under siege.
Desolation The land of Desolation plays only a small role in this book. It is the area to which Morianton chose to take his renegade Nephite army. It gained its name centuries earlier when it became the scene of a massive battle between two warring factions.
Gideon The city of Gideon is near the city of Zarahemla and is where Pahoran went to seek refuge when Pachus crowned himself king.
Jerusalem The reference to the city of Jerusalem is to the one in the Old World in Israel, from which Nephi and his family had fled a few years prior to Israel being taken captive by the Babylonians. At the time of this story, the Nephites were still familiar with the references to this city, but it had been centuries since any of them had been there.
Judea The city of Judea was the last hold out of the Nephites in the southwestern part of the land at the time Helaman arrived to help Antipus and his army. It became Helaman's headquarters as he sought to free the four neighboring cities which Ammoron had captured (ie. the cities of Antiparah, Cumeni, Zeezrom and Manti).
Land of Ammon The land of Ammon is where Ammon, a missionary whose exploits predate this story, took thousands of Lamanites who he converted, and who swore an oath of peace that they would never again take up weapons of war for any reason. The Nephites agreed to share their land with these converted Lamanites and protect them. 2000 sons of those who had sworn the oath of peace volunteered to follow Helaman into battle when it appeared the success of the Nephite armies was in jeopardy.
Manti The city of Manti was one of four neighboring cities occupied by the Lamanites that Helaman brought his 2000 young soldiers to help free. Ammoron made it his headquarters while fighting Helaman and his army.
Mulek The city of Mulek was the third of three cities that Amalikiah attacked in a single day to make a point to Moroni. It was home of three archers whom Amalikiah personally confronted.
Nephi The city of Nephi, or the land of Nephi as it was also referred to, was the site of the Nephites' original colonization of the New World. Centuries before the events described in this book, the Nephites were forced to flee from the area when the Lamanites became too much of a threat. At the time of this story, it was the Lamanites' capital city. Both races claimed rightful ownership of the land, and many battles which go beyond the scope of this book, were fought seeking to maintain and/or regain it. Technically, the city of Nephi was the capital city and the land of Nephi included many Lamanite cities. When used in this book, it represents the territory controlled and inhabited by the Lamanites.
Nephihah When the Lamanites captured the city of Nephihah, it was somewhat of a "last straw" for Moroni. He felt it was a sign of the collapse of the Nephite leaders' integrity and determined to find out if this were true by returning to Zarahemla to see if the Nephite leaders were worth saving. Nephihah was also the city whose walls Moroni scaled in the night to see what Ammoron and his men were up to. The chief judge at the beginning of this book was also named Nephihah.
Noah The city of Noah was near Ammonihah and was known to be a weak, minor city. Captain Lehi was guarding it when Ishmael and Ammoron came to attack.
Riplah Riplah is the name of the hill Moroni and his army was encamped on when they went to battle against Zerahemnah.
Sidon Sidon is the name of the major river which flows through the land. It is the river by which Moroni and Zerahemnah's armies fought.
Zarahemla The city of Zarahemla is the capital city of the Nephite nation. It was built centuries prior to this book's events, after the Nephites were driven out of the land of Nephi. Although it is larger and more grand than the city of Nephi, the Nephites still long to return to the land of Nephi. Meanwhile, Zarahemla acts as their chief stronghold and home of their government.
Zeezrom The city of Zeezrom was one of four neighboring cities occupied by the Lamanites that Helaman brought his 2000 young soldiers to help free.

©2012 by Douglas V. Nufer

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