The Tangram Fury game comes with 200 cards with two versions of each image. This library below is a small sampling of images. The vast majority of these images or tangram puzzles were made for the main Tangram Fury game, the Souvenir Packs that are based on the game, or this website.

Actual vs. Tangrams


These first few images show comparisons between actual photos and tangrams based on those photos. Some things can make very recognizable tangram images. Others, not so much. For an image to make a good tangram, it has to have a very distinct profile. While Mt. Rushmore is very iconic, as you will see, a tangram image of its outline is almost completely unrecognizable. Here are some examples of things that work, things that almost work, and things that don’t work at all. Some of the ones that “work” only work when you see them next to the photo. By themselves, they’re unrecognizable.

Categories of fun Tangram Images

Literary & Art Characters

Sci Fi Fun





